
A tool built using the Peace framework must execute in a workspace – a location that Peace reads and writes information when commands are executed.

In a native automation tool, the workspace is usually the repository in which the automation is run, so the workspace directory is the repository root. In a WASM tool, Peace currently is able to store information in the browser LocalStorage or SessionStorage.

Peace Data

The following shows the file structure for data stored by Peace.

Path Segments
%3workspace_dirWorkspace Dirpath/to/my_repopeace_dirPeace Dir.peacepeace_app_dirPeace App Direnvmanprofile_dir🌏 Profile Dirinternal_dev_ainternal_dev_bcustomer_a_devcustomer_a_prodcustomer_b_devcustomer_b_prodflow_dir🌊 Flow Dirdeployconfigbenchmark


$workspace_dir  # usually the project repository
|  # .peace, single directory to store data from tools made with Peace
|- $peace_dir
    |  # directory per tool
    |- $peace_app_dir
        |- 📝 $workspace_params_file
        |  # profile name, directory per profile
        |- 🌏 $profile_dir
            |- 📝 $profile_params_file
            |  # flow name, directory per flow
            |- 🌊 $flow_dir
                |- 📝 $flow_params_file
                |- 📋 $states_current_file
                |- 📋 $states_goal_file

Concrete Hierarchy Example

|- .peace
    |- envman
        |- 📝 workspace_params.yaml
        |- 🌏 internal_dev_a
        |   |- 📝 profile_params.yaml
        |   |
        |   |- 🌊 deploy
        |   |   |- 📝 flow_params.yaml
        |   |   |- 📋 states_goal.yaml
        |   |   |- 📋 states_current.yaml
        |   |
        |   |- 🌊 config
        |   |   |- 📝 flow_params.yaml
        |   |   |- 📋 states_goal.yaml
        |   |   |- 📋 states_current.yaml
        |   |
        |   |- 🌊 benchmark
        |       |- 📝 flow_params.yaml
        |       |- 📋 states_goal.yaml
        |       |- 📋 states_current.yaml
        |- 🌏 customer_a_dev
        |   |- 📝 profile_params.yaml
        |   |
        |   |- 🌊 deploy - ..
        |   |- 🌊 config - ..
        |- 🌏 customer_a_prod
            |- 📝 profile_params.yaml
            |- 🌊 deploy - ..
            |- 🌊 config - ..