In Peace, Resources
refers to an any-map – a map that can store one value of different types – whose borrowing rules are checked per entry at runtime, instead of compile time.
Example of an any-map:
Key | Value |
TypeId::of::<u32>() | 1u32 |
TypeId::of::<bool>() | true |
TypeId::of::<A>() | A { value: 1u32 } |
use peace::resource_rt::Resources;
let mut resources = Resources::new();
// Change `resources` to be immutable.
let resources = resources;
// We can validly have two mutable borrows
// from the map!
let mut a = resources.borrow_mut::<u32>();
let mut b = resources.borrow_mut::<u64>();
*a = 2;
*b = 3;
// Accessing the same value while it is already
// mutably borrowed returns an error.
For more information about the underlying type, see resman
Java Equivalent
The conceptual Java equivalent looks like this:
var resources = new MagicMap(); // new HashMap<Class<?>, Object>();
resources.insert((Integer) 1); // innerMap.put(Integer.class, 1);
resources.insert((Long) 2); // innerMap.put(Long.class, 2L);
var anInt = (Integer) resources.get(Integer.class);
var aLong = (Long) resources.get(Long.class);
// Can mutate both.
anInt = 2;
aLong = 3L;
Rust's does not allow access to multiple mutable entries at the same time with the built in HashMap
, so Resources
is an implementation to bypass the compilation strictness.