User Facing Automation - Part 2

Workflow Concepts

Concept 14: Storing Parameters

What: Take in parameters, recall them automatically.

Value: Don't require users to pass in parameters repeatedly.

download init ip.json
download ensure
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Concept 15: Current State, Goal State, Difference

What: Show users what is, and what will be, before doing anything.

Value: Give users clarity on what would happen, before doing it.

download clean
download init ip.json
download status
download goal
download diff

download ensure
download diff

download clean
download diff

Concept 16: Profiles

What: Use the same workspace input for logically separate environments.

Value: Ease the creation of cloned environments.

Concept 17: Flows

What: Perform different workflows within an environment.

Value: Workflows automatically share parameters with each other.

Concept 18: Parameter Limits

What: Guard automation from executing with unusual values.

Value: Don't accidentally incur large costs.

Efficiency Concepts (Again!)

Concept 19: Do It Before It's Asked

If a process cannot take less than 10 minutes,
then to do it in 5,
you must begin in the past.

What: Execute the automation in the background, show where it is when it is asked to be executed.

Value: Reduce waiting time.

Cost: Background work consumes resources, and may be redundant.

Concept 20: Reverse Execution

At the beginning of a process, what's the fastest way to get to step 9?

Go through steps 1 through 9.

What if you're on step 10?

Transition from step 10 to 9.

What: The beginning and destination state are not necessarily the start and end of a process.

Value: Allows inspection / mutation of state at a particular point, or re-testing of automation steps after that point.