Execution Progress

Execution progress output is most useful as it happens. Execution progress output should fulfill the following concerns:

  • easy for a human to understand
  • easy to be sent from an item implementation
  • pushed to output in real time
  • pulled from client in real time


Information that is likely useful to the consumer, and therefore should be captured, and sent if bandwidth is not an issue.

Progress Status

Whether a task has started, is in-progress, stalled, or completed.

  • Execution Pending: Execution is pending a predecessor's execution.

  • Running: Execution is in progress.

    This status is best conveyed alongside the following information:

    • Units total: Unknown (spinner) / known (progress bar).

    • Units current

    • Function: Item::{state_current, state_goal, apply}.

      Certain functions will not be applicable, e.g. when StateCurrent is feature gated, then the function won't be available when the feature is not enabled.

  • Running Stalled: Progress updates have not been received for a given period.

    Item implementations are responsible for sending progress updates, but if there are no progress updates, or an identical "it's running" progress update is continuously received, then Peace may determine that the task may have stalled, and user attention is required.

    Peace may also provide a hook for implementors to output a suggestion to the user.

  • User Pending: Task is pending user input.

  • Completed: Task has completed.

    This status is best conveyed alongside the following information:

    • Completion Status: Success, Failed.
    • Function: Item::{state_current, state_goal, apply}.

The following variant is possible conceptually, but not applicable to the Peace framework:

  • Stopped: Task is not running, but can be started.

    This is not applicable because Peace uses runtime borrowing to manage state, and a stopped task has potentially altered data non-atomically, so locking the data is not useful, and unlocking the data may cause undefined behaviour due to reasoning over inconsistent state.

    For rate limiting tasks, the task in its entirety would be held back.

Progress Measurement

  • Unit of measurement: Steps, Bytes, Percentage, None
  • Units total: Known / Unknown
  • Units current: Numeric / Unknown
  • Units remaining: Numeric / Unknown. This is total - current.
  • Unit of progress tick: as it happens.

Progress Timings

  • Time started
  • Elapsed duration
  • Remaining duration estimate
  • Time of completion estimate
  • Time of completion

Information Production / Consumption

As much as possible, Peace should collect progress information without burdening the implementor.

InfoProduced / Captured by
Progress statusFramework
Unit of measurementImplementor
Units totalImplementor
Units initially completedImplementor
Units remainingFramework
Unit of progress tickImplementor
Time startedFramework
Elapsed durationFramework
Remaining duration estimateFramework
Time of completion estimateFramework
Time of completionFramework

Peace should support the following usages out-of-the-box1:

  • Interactive CLI
  • Non-interactive CLI
  • CI logging
  • WASM
  • REST endpoint (pull)
  • REST endpoint (push)

1 even if it is not yet implemented, it should be designed in a way that allows for it


Implementors define the following in ApplyFns::check:

  • Unit of measurement: Steps, Bytes, Percentage, None
  • Units total: Known / Unknown
  • Units initially completed: Numeric / Unknown

Units remaining is tracked by Peace as the unit of progress is ticked (updated).

There is a tradeoff between:

  • Implementors manually ticking progress

    • More accurate information

    • Code becomes messy -- progress ticks scattered throughout code.

    • zzz has a really good way of doing this without making things messy:

      fn main() {
      //                    ^^^^^^^^^^
      // This is all that's needed to render the progress bar
      // assuming `size_hint()` is implemented.

      Peace could provide something like:

      fn main() {
      impl ApplyFns for MyApplyFns {
          async fn exec(data: Data<'_>) -> Result<(), E> {

      But that constrains the signature of each sub function to be the same. A type parameterized function chain – where the return value of one function is the parameter to the next – may be messy, especially for error messages.

    • For spinners, manually ticking the progress bar can be cumbersome, but automatic ticking will give a false impression of progress happening. Somewhat mitigated by stall detection.

  • Codegen to add progress ticks

    This could be done with a proc macro that counts the number of expressions, with some clever handling of conditionals, and inserts tick() expressions.

For now Peace will require implementors to manual tick the progress, and in the future, explore the following option:

  • Trait to automatically tick progress for iterators.
  • Proc macro to automatically insert ticks.